UFCW Constituency Groups
UFCW Women’s Network The Women’s Network connects the UFCW’s activist women members with each other across the U.S. and Canada. Together they work to mentor, motivate, and educate UFCW women at the local union level in order to increase women’s participation in UFCW programs and activities, and build a group of women activists committed to growing the UFCW. Find more info about the Women’s Network here or on their Facebook page. United Latinos The United Latinos work to empower Latino men and women within the UFCW at the local union level, at the International, and within our communities all over the U.S. The group is a staunch advocate on issues most important to the Latino community, including immigration and encouraging Latino voter turnout for worker-friendly candidates in local, state, and national elections. Check them out on their website and Facebook page. UFCW Minority Coalition The mission of the UFCW Minority Coalition is to develop a unified voice and promote diversity and inclusion within the labor movement and with in the UFCW. The African American leaders and organizers who belong to the coalition are committed to growing the ranks of the UFCW while at the same time holding the union accountable for its commitment to diversity and inclusion as a fundamental key to growth. The group’s activists are on the front lines of current civil rights battles, like voter suppression efforts that threaten to disenfranchise thousands of voters at polls. See more about the Minority Coalition on their website. UFCW OUTreach UFCW OUTreach is a constituency group dedicated to building mutual support between our union’s International, regions, and locals and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community and their allies in order to come together to organize for social and economic justice for all, regardless of age, race, gender, creed, color, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Learn more about OUTreach on their website and Facebook page. Download the OUTreach application here.
Page Last Updated: Apr 28, 2015 (11:19:00)