Hard working men and women are seeing their way of life on the verge of collapse as health insurance costs skyrocket, pensions disappear, and real wages stagnate. The future of working families depends on a united voice that can stand up to powerful interests.
The working men and women of the UFCW are that voice.
UFCW members work in a number of different industries in the U.S., Puerto Rico and Canada but are concentrated in grocery stores, meatpacking and poultry plants, food processing and manufacturing plants, and retail stores.
Unions make the difference.
With most of the economic benefits of our economy going to corporate America, working people are using the power of collective action to get their fair share.
Every worker deserves affordable health insurance, prescription drug coverage, living wages, safe working conditions, equal opportunity, a secure pension and a voice in the workplace.
The UFCW is working to make sure workers get their fair share. UFCW members enjoy the security of a union contract and the strength of 1.3 million members behind them.
Workers never got anything without uniting for it.
The 40-hour workweek
- The 8-hour workday
- Overtime
- Sick Leave
- Paid Vacation
- Company-paid health insurance
- Pensions
- Safety and health protections
- Grievance procedure for violation of worker rights
- Fairness in promotions & assignments
- Higher wages and fair treatment on the job
- Right to respect from managers
Just think of what you and your co-workers may be able to win if you had a union contract!
Union Benefits
When workers stick together as a union, they have bargaining power and a collective voice that they simply do not have when they are not unionized. Being a member of a union not only gives you a better position to get better wages, benefits and working conditions, you also get job security.
Non-union workers have limited rights and can be fired “at-will”, for no reason. Just because your boss is having a bad day and decides he/she doesn’t want you around anymore. Non-union workers also find that the rules can change at the whim of the employer.
- One day you have paid holidays and vacations and next week you don’t;
- A raise is promised but never given;
- You’ve got too many hours one week but the next you’re not making enough to get by.
With a union contract, everything is spelled out in black and white, as decided upon between the workers’ negotiating committee and the employer during bargaining, and the rules don’t change until workers renegotiate. For instance, raises are guaranteed, holidays, vacations, hours, etc. can all be defined by the contract.
In addition, discipline and firing isn’t at the whim of the employer for union members. There are certain rules the boss has to go through, a series of steps, to show that they have just cause for discipline or firing you. Throughout this time, a union representative will be working on your behalf to represent you and make sure you get a fair deal and your rights are protected.