Click HERE to become a member of UFCW Local 1776KS!
Top 10 Reasons to join our union!
Congratulations on your new position at the Pennsylvania Wine and Spirit Stores! As a PLCB employee, you have the opportunity to join 1.3 million workers who are a part of the International United Food & Commercial Workers, and 35,000 proud members of Local 1776 Keystone State!
It’s my pleasure to welcome you to join the UFCW Local 1776 family -- one of the largest and most successful local unions in the nation. We work together to achieve excellent health benefits for better living, high wages for economic stability, and strong pensions for secure retirement. Improving the quality of your life at work and at home is Local 1776's mission. Union membership is not required to work for the Commonwealth.
Our membership takes its strength from many occupations including retail workers in supermarkets, the Pennsylvania Wine and Spirits Stores, drug stores and specialty stores as well as pharmacists, professional and clerical administrators. Our Union represents men and women employed in food processing plants, health care facilities, maintenance personnel, technical employees, and workers in shoe and boot manufacturing. These many occupations come together in our Union to create a better community and a better life.
As President of UFCW Local 1776KS, I am committed to preserving and protecting the jobs and benefits our Union has established over the course of decades.
You can be proud to become a member of an organization that cares about people. As you serve the public through your job, the Union will be your support system. Our officers and staff are dedicated to seeing that your voice is heard at work and in the community.
To become a member, simply click here and complete the application. We are proud to represent 3,500 workers in the PLCB system and can't wait to have you join us!
We are proud to have you with us -- sharing and working side-by-side to achieve our goal of a better future.
Wendell Young, IV