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  • Important Message to all PLCB Members
    Updated On: Apr 10, 2020

    To All PLCB Members:

    I am writing to inform you that the Wolf administration has decided to furlough more than 9,000 state workers as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, including members at the PLCB and other agencies.   

    The state will stop paying PLCB workers as of April 10. The administration will continue to provide health care benefits for all affected workers.

    Starting April 11, you will have to use vacation, sick or other personal leave time if you want to continue receiving paychecks.  Please see the Governor’s message below before you file for unemployment. 

    The administration decided to furlough those employees who have jobs that cannot be done remotely.

    I assure you that we are making every effort to work with the PLCB and the Wolf administration to have the stores re-opened as soon as those stores are safe for our members and customers. The stores must have all of the appropriate safeguards in place for our members. 

    I will continue to provide updates as we move forward. Please feel free to contact your Union Representative directly if you have any questions using our toll free number 866.329.1776.


    Dear employees,

    The COVID-19 global pandemic has created an unprecedented situation as everyone tries to stop the spread of this virus.  I appreciate the shared sacrifice of all 12.8 million Pennsylvanians. As I have said many times, we are all in this together to save lives.

    Many of you are working on the front lines of this crisis and others are continuing to telework in order to provide services to the people of Pennsylvania. Our friends and neighbors are depending on us as our nation perseveres to overcome the worst public health emergency of our lifetime. 

    Today, I am extending the Paid Office Closing Leave until April 10, 2020, for staff whose work locations remain closed and who are unable to telework. Beginning April 11, employees performing essential services or teleworking will continue to do so, there is no change. The remaining employees will have the option to use their own leave or unpaid leave, while maintaining their health benefits. As this pandemic continues, it is imperative that we think about the long-term health of the commonwealth.  As such, this has led to the difficult decisions we have been forced to make like many other employers across the nation and world.

    This was a difficult decision as our commonwealth faces significant fiscal challenges. I have chosen an alternative to furloughs so each affected employee will keep their health care benefits and has the flexibility to choose from a range of leave options that is best for them.

    There is more information below from the Office of Administration.

    I look forward to the day when we can be together again – both in our workplaces and our communities.


    Tom Wolf


    Good morning:

    This is a follow-up to the message you recently received from the Governor’s Office regarding the paid office closings extending through April 10, 2020.  In that message, employees with HR questions were directed to contact their HR department.

    Since the PLCB is not part of the shared services center, our in-house HR office will be available to help PLCB employees. Specifically, each PLCB employee who is impacted by the end of paid office closing will receive a call from a PLCB HR staff member next week to explain options and ensure employee time is accurately entered for the remainder of the store/office closing. Please hold all questions until you get a call from HR. This is the most effective way for us to reach the PLCB employees impacted by store and office closings in a timely manner.

    We appreciate your patience through this process and are committed to ensuring every employee understands their options. Thank you and stay safe!

    Jason P. Lutcavage

    Director of Administration